USES - BRASS IMPELLER self-priming JET pumps of new and compact dsign incorporating a special (patented) priming system that allows for excellent performance. Suitable to handle clean or slightly cloudy, non-corrosive water not exceeding 50° C. Possibility of sucking from a depth of 9 metres priming well even in presence of water with gas bubbles, It is recommended to install a foot valve or gate valve on suction inlet.
PUMP SIDE - Cast-iron pump body and bracket, BRASS IMPELLER, high quality mechanlcal seal, Stainless steel shaft.
ELECTRIC MOTOR - Heavy duty, continuous service, induction motor builit to IEC 2-3 issue I-1974 ref. 355 regulations. Built-in overload motor protector up to 1 HP. Protection acording to IP44 Standards. Sile according to UNEL-MEC specifications.
PRODUCTION STANDARDS - The pump side is in cast-iron and is built to ISO 2548 regulations. The motor to IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) specifications.
QUALITY CONTROL - All our pumps are individually factory tested according to UNI 6871-71P cat III Standards.
Slngle phase: 180V - 220V
Three phase: 380V - 440V
Maximum allowable deviation from the rated voltage ±5%
(Other voltages available on demand).
WARRANTY PERIOD - 24 months.

H= Total Dynamic Head In Meters
Q= Flow Rate