UTILIZATION - 6” (6S) Submersible motor-driven pumps equipped with an encapsulated motor in water bath (Franklin) or in oil bath. Check valve built into the delivery outlet. Most common applications are Civil and Agricultural.
CONSTRUCTION CHARACTERISTICS - Brass delivery outlet; external stainless steel jacket; high efficiency impellers and diffusers, made of foodstuff polycarbonate with wearing rings in stainless steel; bronze upper bushings or on request, in sand-resistant rubber. Stainless steel shaft pump side; max. temperature of the liquid: 40 °C ; maximum quantity of sand in the water: 40 gr/m3..
MOTOR - Asynchronous, 2-pole, encapsulated Franklin electric motor, cannot be rewound (extension code WF) or can be rewound, in oil bath (extension code OF); low specific loss stator sheet; class B insulation; IP 58 protection level; capacitor and thermal protection are made available by selecting the relevant control panel.
ON REQUEST - Other voltages and frequencies.